March 19, 2016


All memberships are processed and paid through our payment portal.

Support using the portal: How to sign up with LETASA on EdSA Gateway

Membership fees:

  • Free for Pre-Service Teacher
  • $90 Individual Membership
  • $170 Institutional Membership (including International Schools) (this is up to five members per membership)

For members that choose to pay monthly, rather than annually, this works out to:

  • $7.80 per month for an individual membership
  • $14.47 per month for an institutional membership


Benefits of your LETASA membership:

  • Access to the members only LETASA Wiki site, and its pool of teacher-developed resources and ideas
    • Institutional memberships can have up to five teachers added to the LETASA Wiki as they need, with individualised logins.
  • Free PD sessions held across the year
  • Cheaper admission to the Annual Conference, and Pre-Conference dinner (held in August) than non-members

Court house

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